We responsibly handle, store and process bulk products that contribute to the world of tomorrow


We value the health and safety of people above all else and do our utmost to prevent harmful impact on our environment. Our goal is that everyone working for and with us goes home safely at the end of their working day.
We expect everyone to contribute to that goal.

  1. We prioritize health and safety above all, and plan for safe execution of our daily work.
  2. Everyone can and must stop unsafe work immediately.
  3.  Management at all levels is accountable for safety and leads by example.
  4. Safety is a shared responsibility. We encourage everyone to speak up and share safety concerns.
  5. We investigate all incidents, take appropriate action and share learnings within the organization.
  6. We ensure that people have the knowledge and equipment to work safely and share best practices.
  7. We know and understand our health and safety risks and take all required measures.
  8. Safe behaviour is recognized, acknowledged and valued.
  9. We are prepared for emergencies, respond effectively and prevent escalation.

EMO | bulk for life